Tuesday, May 8, 2012

book set up

Summary of book project

overall i think the project was good. I enjoyed making my own layouts and getting to see the book come together. The hardest part of the project was combining everyones layouts together because we didn't design them together so the book didn't always look uniform. if i could change something about the project it would be to get the book perfect bound because the book looks more professional and nicer that way.

my designer ( Bruce Weber)

-born in pennsylvania in 1946
-studied at the new school for social research
-Uses mostly black and white photos
-likes to shoot outdoors and use natural light
-likes to shoot with film
-11 books published
- Pet shop boys music video won music weeks video of the year
-works for calvin Klein, Abercrombie & fitch, play boy
-fashion photography, album covers, webersodes. shorts, commercials

making a book description

Our assignment was to pick a designer and write about there life, accomplishment, medium, etc. After picking the designer and writing the story we designed to double page spread layouts. AFter combining the story with the layouts we then designed a title page, cover, table of contents, and a bio page. After creating these we combined our Double page spreads with about seven other students to create our own book

box pictures

box sketches


            Overall I liked the project but it was still really challenging. One of the hardest things about my shapes was that it was all curved and there weren’t a lot of flat edges it was also just a difficult shape and design in general. The hardest thing was not being able to cut out the exact shape I wanted and having to sand it to turn it into curve I wanted because I could never get the curves exactly alike. Having a different design for the top of the box and the inside of the box was also difficult because it made it harder to line things up. Making the boxes out of two different woods was also difficult because the woods acted two completely different ways and it is really hard to get two things to go together if they weren’t originally connected. Also the top was challenging because the walnut was so much thinner than the other piece and it was really fragile.  Cutting the shape on the band saw was also difficult because when I was pushing the shape through I didn’t know the right way to push it through since it wasn’t a flat shape so I had some trouble with cutting it the way I had planned and the machine stopping as well as getting hit by the wood. Also sanding was really annoying because I had to sand both the top pieces and the inside pieces by hand to try to get them to fit into one another. Gluing was also difficult because there were no flat edges for the clamps to hold on to so I ended up having to apply pressure manually a lot. I think that my project came out okay but it would be easier now that I’ve gone through it once and know what not to do. Another hard part about my shape was making the stopper because the two parts of my lids aren’t the same and I also didn’t have that much wood left over after cutting since I had to cut more than I needed when I was cutting out the shape. Some of the things that I would change are having cleaner cuts as well as having longer sides on the edges. I also tried to use wood filler for the top but someone stole it so I think that using that would have also helped my project a lot. I also would have put the wax on before gluing the two pieces together because the two shapes were so close together that I couldn’t but wax on one side of the vessel.

making a vessel description

Our assignment was to make a vessel out of wood using the band saw. The vessel design was based off of an object that we picked. After picking the object we were going to design the box for we had to come up with an idea for the box that represented the object but wasn’t too literal. After making sketches for the ideas we came up with and picking our final design we drew what the sides, top, and bottom would look like to scale so we would have a plan to cut from when we were working on the band saw. After picking our wood and gluing it we cut the shapes out on the band saw. When the cutting and sanding was done, we re-glued the wood to make our box and finished it off with a wax.

Nature and aesthetics of design

            The point that he made about knowing your materials and what shapes you can and cant make out of them was a good point. Also he had an interesting point about how things are based on the economy and how people want to make what is cheap. It was interesting how he talked about changing the characteristics of a material by strengthening it or weakening it as well as changing the shape and size. My favorite part was when he mentioned construction was a way to make a whole object out of smaller or different parts because I feel like our project really focused on that idea. I learned you have to take the properties of the object including the ones you do and do not want. Another thing I learned From this article was that it was impossible for my shape to touch at all points because only flat surfaces can touch at all points.

Purpose of my vessel

            My vessel contains my IPod Nano and headphones. My IPod Nano influences my vessel because the idea for the shape came from the circle that is in middle of my Nano. I took the idea of the circle but cut it in half. From there the half circles became more like a U shape. After that I played around with the way the two halves could connect with each other until I came up with my final design. I think that my vessel is a good representation of what it holds inside because my headphones are also curved so the shape of the vessel is also a good way of representing that without the shape being to obvious about what it contains.