Sunday, December 11, 2011

My Design

The design i used for my lantern was simple. I liked it because it didn't have much going on but still seemed pleasing and elegant. The main techniques i used to create my design included  whole punching with varying sizes and slicing the paper. I  Used rope and twine as connectors. I used a combination of wrapping, weaving, and taping as connectors. The original design consisted of two oval shapes that connected in the middle which got changed  to two oval shapes connected by a triangle in the middle. The bigger circles are in the middle while the smaller circles are borders for the outside ovals.

Description of Lantern project

Our assignment was to make a lantern using only Bristol board.  We came up with designs for the Lantern through first doing experimentation on regular computer paper. We experimented through cutting, slicing, wetting, and punching. After combining multiple ideas and experimentations we  combined ideas and made a couple prototypes. After making the prototypes we combined the ideas that worked best to make are final lantern using nontraditional connectors such as paper clips, staples, tape, shoe laces, etc.

The Making of The Lantern

Making a lantern was one of the projects I liked the most. I liked it because it allowed us to be more creative than usual. The most difficult part for me was trying to figure out how to get the light to stay in the lantern. It was also difficult to get the lantern to stay to the shape that i wanted it to. IT was also  hard to find the the twine i needed and to come up with different options when my original idea didn't work out. I think the most difficult part of the project was figuring out how to incorporate multiple ideas into one. I think having the interior designer talk at the beginning of the project before we even started would have been more helpful to see all the other ideas.