Tuesday, February 12, 2013

book revision 2

Again I was trying to focus on making this book different from just using scale and weight to emphasize the words. Instead I used tints to emphasize things. I really like the contrast that happens in the book.

1 comment:

  1. Book revision 2: On page two, I like the idea of mostly black area with small space for white, the diagonal is not necessary though. Use the same typeface and size for both sections of type. On 4, tighten tracking and fix kerning. On 5 reproach the typesetting, not sure if the centering is helping here. Try left aligning and moving the blocks to the left, can they be 2 instead of three lines long? On 6, the words running down the center of the page are awkward, move it to the right and make it one line, and tighten the open tracking. Good idea on 7, the gray isn't necessary, make the bars black. On 8, Constant is not very strong, how can you emphasize it? On 9, how can destroy be stronger? On the last few spreads, get rid of the "uh…"s.
