Sunday, February 5, 2012

Response to Camera Lucida

            A picture is a way to take something that would mean nothing and display so that a person can feel emotion while looking at it. I thought it was interesting that Roland compared color to putting on make-up. I think this comparison really makes you think about the significance of colors in photos and when it is needed. Photography is a way of keeping track of time. Looking at photograph can lead you to ask many questions and a photograph may not be as simple as it appears. A photograph allows you the ability to see things but still gives you the opportunity to be creative about what happened before or after that picture. A picture can only tell one moment while the rest are still unknown to most people viewing it. In a way photography can be considered evidence or proof. At the end of Article Barthes implies that photographs kept him from having actually memories. I don’t agree with that at all I think photographs can add to the memories. He also says one other thing I disagree with which is that photos can be violent because they force you to look at them. I don’t feel that photos are that forceful because you can look away at any time.

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