Saturday, September 17, 2011

Jeremy Shellhorn

When Jeremy came to speak in Design Thinking and making on Tuesday the 13th he made a lot of interesting points. Before i heard him speak i actually didn't know there was such a thing as motion graphics. I think they are cool because they tell a story using sound and pictures. IT also gets you to think about new ways to do different things. Its simplicity also gets you to think more about typography. You have to ask yourself whats the story , is there any symbols that could help and how does it make you feel.You also have to be aware of any restrictions. Its also a good idea to keep in mind when designing anything how to navigate the space, what stands out from different lengths, and keep in mind contrast. The text also influences the pictures. Depending on what the word is what picture you use can give it a completely different meaning then if it was by itself. Adding a picture helps narrow down to the audience what exactly you are talking about. It's also important to make the audience feel comfortable by  making the familiar strange or making the strange familiar.

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